Employment23 Sep 2024Simon Druery

The Authenticity Paradox: Why Your Real EVP is What Employees Whisper, Not What You Shout

You think you know your company's story. The polished careers website, the slick recruitment videos, the carefully crafted mission statement pinned to every wall. But here's the thing: your real employer value proposition (EVP) isn't what you're shouting from the rooftops. It's what your employees are whispering by the water cooler.

Let's face it: we're drowning in a sea of corporate sameness. Most tech startup claims to be "disrupting" something. While challenger brands boast about their "award-winning culture." And many marketing-leading employers claim to have the “best people” and a “diverse, supportive and inclusive culture”. Don't even get me started on how many companies think that having a ping-pong table is a personality trait.

But your people – the ones who show up day after day, who live and breathe your company culture – they know the truth. They know what it's really like to work there, ‘warts and all’. And that's where the real ‘gold’ can be discovered.

The Authenticity Paradox

Here's the paradox: the more you try to control your employer brand message, the less authentic (and less effective) it becomes. It's like airbrushing a photo until it barely resembles the original subject. Sure, it might look ‘perfect’, but it's also completely forgettable.

Your employees are ‘walking, talking' billboards for your company. The conversations they have with their colleagues, or the casual chat with friends or family at the Sunday BBQ, the posts they make on LinkedIn and every review they leave on Glassdoor – that's your real employer brand in action. And guess what? People trust those organic, unfiltered experiences far more (3x more, according to Linkedin) than they trust your carefully curated corporate marketing materials.

So, how do you tap into this wellspring of authenticity? How do you uncover the hidden truths of your workplace culture and build an EVP that actually resonates? Let's dive in and take a thorough look:

Listen to the Whispers

The art of listening to the whispers isn't just about hearing; it's about decoding the subtext of your organisation's collective consciousness. 

Herb Kelleher (Chairman, Southwest Airlines) famously stated that, “Culture is what people do when no one is looking.” So is culture therefore invisible? 

No. Culture is built on the behaviours of leaders, which can be guided by personal and team values. Former General, David Hurley, (former Defence Force Chief of Australia) says it best: “The standard you walk past is the standard that you accept”.

While leaders must set the example and lead from the front, when culture really thrives is when ALL team members hold people accountable if standards are not met. These are the ‘whispers’ that reveal the true culture.

And hearing these ‘quieter conversations’, is a skill that requires patience, empathy, and a willingness to look beyond the surface-level communications. In every organisation, there's an undercurrent of unspoken truths, shared experiences, and collective wisdom. These whispers carry the real story of your company culture, values and employee experience. They're the unfiltered, authentic voice of your workforce. 

Let's unpack how to master this crucial skill...

Emphasise Psychological Safety First: You need to create an environment where people feel safe to speak their minds. This goes beyond just saying "we have an open-door policy." It's about actively demonstrating that honesty is valued over harmony.

• Implement a "no-retaliation" policy for those who speak up about issues.

• Celebrate instances where employees raised concerns that led to positive changes.

• Train managers in active listening and empathetic communication including role-modelling vulnerability.

Leverage Technology Wisely: While face-to-face conversations are invaluable, technology can help you cast a wider net:

• Use AI-powered sentiment analysis tools on internal communications (with transparency and consent).

• Create anonymous digital suggestion boxes that allow for ongoing dialogue.

• Implement pulse surveys that ask pointed, specific questions about the employee experience.

Master the Art of Informal Intelligence Gathering: Some of the most valuable insights come from unstructured, casual interactions:

• Institute "leadership by walking around" – but make it genuine, not a corporate theatre performance.

• Create cross-functional project teams to break down silos and encourage diverse perspectives.

• Host regular "ask me anything" sessions with leadership, but with a twist: leaders must also ask questions of employees.

Decode the Cultural Artefacts: Every organisation has its own set of symbols, rituals, and stories. These cultural artefacts often reveal more about your true EVP than any official document:

• Analyse the language used in everyday communications. What metaphors do people use to describe their work?

• Look at how space is used in your office. What does the layout say about hierarchy and collaboration?

• Examine rituals around celebrations, onboarding, and departures. What do they reveal about what's truly valued?

Collaborate with an External Researcher: Working with an external branding consultant who can act as a neutral, third-party researcher can also help elicit deeper, authentic insights across the organisation to help further define and distinguish what makes your culture unique and different.

• Via anonymous interviews, focus groups and surveys that can be segmented by teams or work groups, your brand consultant can provide detailed reporting on commonalities of key themes/values. 

• They can uncover more ‘gritty’ insights around; misconceptions, surprises on joining, experience gaps and what motivates them to stay or even leave

• Desktop research can highlight which of your tangible and intangible benefits are stronger (or weaker) than competitor employers, helping you to optimise your EVP messaging.

Embrace the Power of Story: Stories are the currency of human connection. In the context of your EVP, they're the difference between a generic corporate spiel and a compelling narrative that attracts the right talent. 

Storytelling does more than convey information; it helps us connect with one another and makes the message more engaging and unforgettable. By tapping into emotions, stories allow us to relate to others' experiences on a deeper, more meaningful level.

Here's an example (right) of an EVP Narrative for Sydney Airport. It sums up the employee experience in a way that is designed to engage the right people. Beyond the tangible it creates a more emotive connection with the organisation as an exciting and meaningful place to work.

Here's how to harness their power

Cultivate Your Story Ecosystem: Don't just collect stories; create a system for their continuous generation and dissemination:

  • Establish a story bank where employees can submit their experiences in a centralised library. 
  • Train a team of ‘story scouts’ to identify and capture powerful narratives across the organisation. Having a template that helps align stories with EVP messaging is ideal so your stories have a strategic focus.
  • Create a regular people story feature in your internal communications that helps reflect the right values and behaviours..

Master the Art of the Mini-Saga: Not every story needs to be an epic. Sometimes, the most powerful narratives are the briefest:

  • Challenge employees to capture their ‘Why I Work Here’ story in exactly 50 words.
  • Create a series of 30-second video testimonials focusing on specific aspects of your culture, aligned with your EVP strategic themes.
  • Encourage leaders to start meetings with a quick anecdote that illustrates a company value in action.

Harness the Power of Conflict: The most compelling stories aren't about everything going smoothly. They're about overcoming challenges:

  • Share stories that highlight how the company learns and grows from taking risks or making mistakes.
  • Create a ‘Challenge Accepted’ series showcasing how teams tackle difficult problems.
  • Highlight stories of ethical dilemmas and how they were resolved in line with company values.

Make Your Employees the Heroes: Your employees should be the protagonists of your EVP stories, not just passive characters:

  • Create an ‘Everyday Hero’ recognition program that highlights unsung contributions.
  • Develop employee profiles that go beyond job titles to showcase personal passions and growth journeys.
  • Implement a ‘Day in the Life’ series where employees from different departments share their experiences. This is great for breaking down silos and enhancing cross-divisional collaboration.
  • Support story-telling with pre-approved social graphics (again EVP themed like this example for Allianz Australia!) that can act as prompts and assets that employees can deploy in their own time via their own networks. 
Find Your True Differentiators

Uncovering what truly sets your company apart is an exercise in radical honesty and deep introspection. You also must not ‘brand in a bubble’ but make sure you look at how competitor’s are positioning themselves as well.

Here's how to dig beneath the surface:

Conduct a ‘Brutal Truth’ Session: Gather a diverse group of employees and ask them to be brutally honest about what makes your company unique – for better or worse:

• Use techniques like ‘Lightning Round’ where participants have to quickly shout out differentiators without overthinking.

• Employ the ‘Five Whys’ technique (developed by Sakichi Toyoda who stated that "by repeating ‘why’ five times, the nature of the problem as well as its solution becomes clear), to get to the root of why certain aspects of your culture exist.

• Create a safe space for ‘unpopular’ opinions about your company's strengths and weaknesses.

Leverage the Power of Contrast: Sometimes, the best way to understand who you are is to clarify who you're not:

• Conduct a ‘That’s NOT Us’  exercise where teams define what your company isn't, to sharpen the focus on who you are.

• Create and maintain comparison charts that honestly assess how you stack up against competitors.

• Ask new hires to keep a ‘surprise journal’ in their first 90 days, noting anything that's different from their expectations or previous experiences and feed this back into your candidate and onboarding communications (if validated as a common experience).

Mine Your Entry and Exit Data: Both the newest (less than 6 months tenure) and departing employees often have the clearest perspective on what makes your company unique:

• Conduct in-depth interviews focused on identifying unique aspects of your culture.

• Analyse patterns in reasons for joining and leaving – sometimes your differentiators are hidden in your challenges or culture.

• Create an ‘Alumni Insights’ program where former employees share what they miss about your company.

• Do a survey with your Talent Pool of potential candidates and ask what they REALLY want to know about the employee experience.

Identify Your Culture Carriers: Every organisation has individuals who embody its unique essence:

• Conduct ‘Culture Carrier’ interviews to better understand what drew these individuals to your company and why they stay.

• Create ‘Day in the Life’ documentaries following your culture carriers.

• Develop a ‘Cultural Mentorship’ program where these individuals help new hires understand the company's unique aspects.

Reminder, a differentiator doesn't have to be sexy. Maybe your company is known for its rigorous processes. Maybe you attract people who love diving deep into complex problems. These might not make for ‘flashy’ recruitment ads, but they'll attract the right people – the ones who will thrive in your environment - and that’s what really counts.

The Power of Imperfection

Here's where things get really counterintuitive: admitting your flaws can actually strengthen your EVP

Why? Because it builds trust. It shows that you're honest, self-aware, and committed to growth. It makes your organisation more human.

Think about it: which company would you rather work for?

  • Company A: "We're perfect! Everything is awesome all the time!"
  • Company B: "We're not perfect. Here are our challenges, and here's how we're working to improve."

Company B feels more real, relatable and honest. It gives potential employees a clearer picture of what they're signing up for. It attracts people who are excited by those specific challenges, rather than those seduced by the promise of perfection.

On the contrary, embracing imperfection isn't just about admitting flaws; it's about reframing how you approach challenges and weaknesses as a strength.

Here's how to make it work for your EVP:

The goal here isn't perfection. It's honesty, engagement, and continuous improvement. Your EVP should reflect how dynamic and multifaceted your organisation actually is.
Simon Druery - Brand Strategist, Belong Creative
The Whisper Network

Let's talk about the elephant in the room: the whisper network

The whisper network is an invisible web of communication that exists in every organisation, carrying the real scoop about what it's like to work there.

For too long, companies have tried to ignore or suppress this network. 

But here's the thing: it's more powerful now than ever. Social media, review sites, and tight-knit professional communities mean that information flows freely, whether you like it or not.

Here's how to better understand and leverage it:

Acknowledge the Power of Informal Communication: First, recognise that the whisper network isn't a bug - it's a feature of human organisations:

• Conduct a communication-ecosystem mapping exercise to understand how informal information really flows in your company.

• Create information flow diagrams that visualise both official and unofficial channels.

• Implement network analysis tools to identify key influencers and information hubs within your organisation.

Embrace Transparency to Fuel Positive Whispers: Instead of trying to control the narrative, feed it with openness:

• Establish a ‘Rumour vs. Reality’ forum where leadership addresses circulating whispers directly.

• Develop a ‘Behind the Curtain’ program that gives employees insights into decision-making processes.

• Implement a ‘Question Bank’ where employees can submit anonymous queries for leadership to address regularly.

Empower Employee Advocates: Turn your employees into authentic brand ambassadors:

• Develop an Employee Ambassador program that sources and trains interested staff in sharing their experiences publicly.

• Create a ‘Story Amplifier’ kit with prompts and guidelines for employees to share on social media. Here’s a Graphics Pack we did for TPG Telecom.

• Implement a content co-creation initiative where marketing collaborates with employees from various departments on sourcing relevant employer branding materials such as stories, news and case studies.

Empower Employee Advocates: Turn your employees into authentic brand ambassadors:

• Develop an Employee Ambassador program that sources and trains interested staff in sharing their experiences publicly.

• Create a ‘Story Amplifier’ kit with prompts and guidelines for employees to share on social media. Here’s a Graphics Pack we did for TPG Telecom.

• Implement a content co-creation initiative where marketing collaborates with employees from various departments on sourcing relevant employer branding materials such as stories, news and case studies.

Leverage Digital Platforms Strategically: Use technology to amplify positive whispers and address negative ones:

• Create private, moderated online communities for employees to discuss company culture openly.

• Implement a ‘Digital Employee Journey’ that encourages sharing at key milestones (work anniversaries, project completions, etc.).

• Develop a ‘Social Listening’ strategy to monitor and engage with employee conversations on public platforms.

Turn Alumni into Allies: Former employees can be powerful voices in your extended whisper network:

• Establish an ‘Alumni Ambassador’ program that keeps former employees connected and engaged.

• Celebrate returning employees, highlighting their ‘grass was not greener’ story!

• Develop an ‘Alumni Insights’ series where former employees share how their time at your company influenced their career.

Harness the Power of Peer-to-Peer Communication: Facilitate direct connections between current and potential employees:

• Implement a ‘Talk with our People’ digital program where candidates are able to ask a direct question to someone that works in a team they would aspire to be a part of.  

• Create ‘Peer Interview’ panels where the leading potential hires can ask current employees (not managers!) anything.

• Develop a ‘Culture Buddy’ system that pairs new hires with tenured employees for honest acculturation.

Address Negative Whispers Proactively: Don't ignore or suppress negative talk - use it as valuable feedback:

• Establish ‘Whisper Response Teams’ trained to address and resolve issues raised in informal channels.

• Create a ‘Concern to Action’ pipeline that shows how informal feedback leads to real changes.

• Implement a system for identifying patterns in whispered complaints without compromising individual privacy.

Cultivate a Culture of Responsible Sharing: Encourage openness while promoting respectful, constructive communication:

• Develop ‘Respectful Digital Citizenship’ training that covers responsible online behaviour and information sharing.

• Create constructive conversation guidelines for leaders to role model based around your Corporate Values for discussing company matters internally and externally.

• Implement a ‘Think Before You Share’ campaign that promotes mindful communication.

Measure the Impact of the Whisper Network: Develop metrics to understand how informal communication affects your EVP:

• Create a ‘Sentiment Index’ that tracks the overall tone of informal communications over time.

• Implement ‘Network Health Checks’ that assess the alignment between official messaging and whisper network content.

• Develop ‘Influence Maps’ that show how information and opinions spread through your organisation.

Integrate the Whisper Network into Your EVP Strategy: Make informal communication a key part of your employer branding approach:

• Create an ‘Authentic Voice’ content strategy that incorporates real employee stories and conversations.

• Develop a ‘Whisper to Megaphone’ process for amplifying positive, organic employee sentiments.

• Implement a ‘Cultural Narrative’ framework that aligns official messaging such as your overall EVP Narrative with the prevailing whisper network themes (which could be showcased in Employee blog or vlogs on your careers website and social networks).

By fully embracing and integrating the whisper network, you transform what could be a liability into a powerful asset. This approach acknowledges the reality of how information flows in modern organisations. Showcasing this flow in action is the foundation, to create a more authentic, dynamic and effective EVP.

Remember, the goal isn't to control the whisper network - that's impossible and counterproductive. Instead, the aim is to create an environment where positive whispers flourish naturally, negative opinions are addressed openly, and the overall narrative aligns with your true organisational culture.

In doing so, you create an EVP that's not just a top-down proclamation, but a living, breathing reflection of your employees' real experiences. It's an EVP that potential candidates can trust because it's constantly being validated (or challenged) by the very people living it every day.

This approach requires courage, transparency, and a willingness to relinquish some control. 

But the payoff is immense: an employer brand that resonates deeply, attracts the right talent, and evolves organically with your organisation. 

In a world where authenticity is currency, a well-leveraged whisper network might just be your most valuable asset.

The Long Game

Building an authentic EVP is NOT a quick fix. It's not about coming up with a catchy tagline or redesigning your careers page. It's about fundamentally aligning who you say you are with who you actually are.

This takes time. It takes commitment from leadership. It might even require some painful changes to your culture or operations. But the payoff is huge:

  • You'll attract candidates who are a genuine fit for your organisation.
  • You'll retain employees who are aligned with your actual values and challenges.
  • You'll build a reputation for honesty and integrity that extends far beyond recruiting.

Building an authentic EVP is a marathon, not a sprint. It's about cultivating a deep-rooted, genuine culture that stands the test of time.

Here's how to play the long game effectively:

The Courage to Be Real

At the end of the day, building an authentic EVP comes down to one thing: courage. The courage to look in the mirror and really see who you are as an organisation. The courage to admit your flaws and commit to improvement. The courage to let go of the polished corporate façade and embrace your messy, human reality.

It's not easy. It might even be a little painful. But it's the only way to build an employer brand that truly resonates in today's hyper-connected, transparency-driven world.

So, are you ready to listen to the whispers? Are you ready to uncover the hidden truths of your workplace culture? Are you ready to embrace the power of imperfection?

Your real EVP is out there, waiting to be discovered. It's in the stories your employees tell, the challenges they overcome, the moments of triumph and frustration that make up their daily lives. It's in the unique combination of traits that make your company unlike any other.

All you have to do is have the courage to listen, to dig deep, and to share what you find – warts and all.

Because here's the ultimate truth: In a world drowning in corporate spin, authenticity isn't just nice to have. It's your ultimate competitive advantage.

So, what's your company really whispering?

Final Note

To wrap up, it's clear that building a genuine, effective EVP is no small feat. It requires courage, commitment, and a willingness to look beyond the surface-level, marketing speak that often dominates employer branding.

This is where Belong Creative can support you as a strategic partner bringing our wealth of expertise as Australia’s leading creative brand strategists in the realm of Employer Branding and EVP.

At Belong Creative, we don't just understand these concepts – we live and breathe them. We're not interested in slapping a shiny veneer on your company culture. Instead, we're passionate about unearthing the real, raw truths that make your organisation unique and translating them into a magnetic employer brand.

Our approach aligns perfectly with the authenticity-focused strategies we've explored in this article. We know that your real EVP lives in the whispers, the stories, and the daily experiences of your employees. That's why our Magnetic Brand Builder™ is designed to tap into these rich veins of authenticity.

Don’t forget this crucial point: your EVP is NOT just about attracting talent, it’s about setting the stage for long-term engagement and success. When employees join your company based on an authentic understanding of your culture, they're more likely to be satisfied, productive, and committed for the long haul.

Our Magnetic Brand Builder™ isn't just another cookie-cutter branding exercise. It's a comprehensive, end-to-end solution that connects all the crucial elements of a powerful employer brand:

Phase 1 – Evaluate (Employer Brand Research): We conduct qualitative and quantitative research to clarify what your employees love about working for you and what sets you apart from competitors.

Phase 2 – Calibrate (Employee Value Proposition): We craft an EVP that resonates because it's rooted in reality, not wishful thinking.

Phase 3 – Create (Employer Brand Creative): We translate your unique story into compelling visuals and messaging that is authentic, relevant and differentiating to attract, engage and retain the right employees.

Phase 4 – Activate (Employer Brand Communications and Activations): We ensure your EVP comes to life across all touchpoints by producing branded collateral to be leveraged at scale.

This process is particularly powerful for employers struggling with talent attraction and retention due to an unclear or outdated value proposition. We've spent over a decade refining our approach, delivering superior results for leading employers across various industries.

But don't just take our word for it. Our work speaks for itself, having been recognised at the ITAs with the Winner for Excellence in Employer Branding Award in 2021 and the Winner for Best Use of Video in 2022 for our work with Allianz and again in 2024 for our work with Aveo. While awards are nice, what truly matters to us is creating work that works – employer brands that genuinely resonate and drive real business results.

What sets us apart is our unwavering commitment to authenticity. We're not here to help you craft a pretty lie. We're here to help you uncover your truth, embrace it fully, and use it to attract the talent that will truly thrive in your organisation.

We understand that embracing authenticity can be daunting. It requires vulnerability, transparency, and a willingness to admit imperfections. But in today's hyper-connected world, where potential employees can easily peek behind the corporate curtain, authenticity isn't just nice to have – it's essential.

With Belong Creative, as your partner, you're not just getting a creative brand agency. You're getting a team of passionate experts who will guide you through the process of uncovering your whisper network, harnessing the power of your employee stories, identifying your true differentiators, and crafting an EVP that's as unique as your organisation.

We're here to help you play the long game, to build an employer brand that's not just attractive today, but sustainable and magnetic for years to come. We'll help you find the courage to be real, to stand out in a sea of corporate sameness, and to create an EVP that resonates deeply with the talent you want to attract.

In a world where talent has more choices than ever, and where authenticity is the new currency, can you afford not to partner with a thought leader like Belong Creative? Let us help you transform your employer reputation, attract the right talent, and build a workplace culture that truly belongs.

Remember, your real EVP is out there, waiting to be discovered and shared with the world. With Belong Creative and our Magnetic Brand Builder™ process, you have the tools and expertise to make it happen.

Article by Simon Druery

Simon Druery is Director and Brand Strategist at Belong Creative. What gets him jumping out of bed each day is helping business owners and marketers craft brands that people want to belong to. When he’s not working you can find him travelling Australia in the family caravan and enjoying a tawny port by the fire.