Employment14 May 2024Simon Druery

Difference between an Employee Value Proposition and Employer Branding

Attracting and retaining the right talent matters now more than ever. And two key tools to help a business do just that are: an Employee Value Proposition (EVP) and an Employer Brand. These two terms are often intertwined but play distinct roles in shaping a company's reputation and in attracting the right talent. Let's understand them in detail.

An EVP encompasses the core offerings that an organisation provides to its employees, internally. This encompasses the distinct perks, culture, and growth opportunities that set the company apart as a desirable place to work. On the flip side, Employer Branding focuses on the reputation and positioning of a company – how it is portrayed to the world. It involves utilising cohesive messaging across various platforms to highlight the company's values, workplace culture and showcase how teams work through unique, relatable people stories.

Even though EVP and Employer Branding share similarities, they serve distinct purposes. It is crucial for a company to align the promises made in the EVP with the image projected through Employer Branding in order to establish an authentic and compelling offer. The perception of a company should ideally mirror the reality of what employees experience. 

What is Employer Branding?

Employer Branding is the strategic practice of shaping how both current employees and potential candidates view a company as an employer of choice. While traditional branding is focused on consumer perception, Employer Branding concentrates on attracting the right talent and retaining valuable employees. This proactive communication strategy aims to showcase the company's reputation in a positive light, ultimately leading to a more effective recruitment process and a higher retention rate of high-performing staff.

Employer Branding involves investing in various communication channels, such as the company's careers page, social media platforms, third-party review websites, and the overall employee experience. It requires the creation of content, aligned with the EVP such as employee testimonials, quote cards, videos, stories, graphics, photography and more. By consistently highlighting the organisation's values, culture, and opportunities for growth, in a distinctive and authentic way employers can set themselves apart as a desirable place to work, ultimately ensuring a more engaged and motivated workforce. 

What is an Employee Value Proposition (EVP)

The Employee Value Proposition (EVP) is the package of rewards, benefits and experiences provided by a company to its employees in exchange for their work contributions. This can encompass not only financial compensation, but also perks, advancement opportunities, and a positive workplace atmosphere. Communicating your company's EVP to prospective hires is crucial to attract ‘good fit’ candidates.

Prioritising your company's EVP is essential for fostering employee growth and success, which in turn will drive productivity and profitability. Establishing a compelling EVP is often the initial step in building a desirable and thriving Employer Brand. However an Employer Brand can exist without an EVP, as it resides in the hearts and minds of candidates and employees alike. 

Ideally an EVP is developed through employee research and includes not only various aspects of what an organisation provides to its employees, such as compensation and work-life balance but why they value these elements. Let's examine each component more closely. 

Key differences between EVP and Employer Branding

An Employee Value Proposition (EVP) is focused on what an organisation offers its employees in exchange for their skills and contributions. It outlines specific benefits like compensation, work-life balance, career growth, and the work environment, providing a clear answer to the question, “What’s in it for me as an employee?” An EVP is unique to every organisation and essential for attracting, engaging, and retaining the right talent based on your business objectives.

Conversely, an Employer Brand reflects and influences how the organisation is perceived by both internal and external stakeholders such as job seekers, employees, customers and investors. It encompasses the overall perception (i.e. it lives in the hearts and minds of stakeholders) of the organisation as an employer, including its culture, values, reputation, and the overall experience of interacting with the company. In summary, EVP outlines employee benefits and experience, while the Employer Brand (through design and content) helps shape the organisation's reputation and identity as an employer in the marketplace. 

As an Asset 

An Employee Value Proposition is a valuable tool used to attract, retain, and engage employees. It consists of tangible benefits like compensation and career growth opportunities, as well as intangible factors such as company culture and work-life balance. Think of it as your key marketing messages when you want to say ‘what’s it like to work here!’

Employer Branding, on the other hand, encompasses the look and feel and messaging of how you promote your employment experience. It includes the design of imagery, graphic, video content, icons and is strategically designed to set an organisation apart as an employer. It reflects and influences how the organisation is perceived by both current employees and external stakeholders like job seekers, customers and industry peers. It is both a cohesive set of unique design assets deployed across multiple channels AND also the perception that resides in people about your employment experience. 

The interconnection between EVP and Employer Branding

Similarities between EVP and Employer Brand

While EVP is focused on defining the what matters most to employees, Employer Branding is focused on promoting and communicating that proposition to the market place.

Together, EVP and Employer Branding work hand in hand to attract top talent, retain current employees and differentiate the organisation from competitors. By aligning these strategies with the broader objectives and values of the organisation, companies can create a strong Employer Brand that resonates with both employees and candidates alike.

Ultimately, by leveraging the synergies between EVP and Employer Branding, organisations can create a compelling offer that drives engagement, loyalty and ultimately leads to organisational success. 

Call to Action

Creating an Employee Value Proposition (EVP) that truly embodies your organisation is crucial. Your company's offerings should accurately represent the work environment.

Our consultancy and communications agency specialises in Employer Branding and is ready to assist you in creating a tailored EVP that fits your unique requirements.

Our team will collaborate closely with your People and Culture, Talent Acquisition, HR and marketing departments, as well as engage with key stakeholders and business units to establish an EVP that is authentic, relatable and differentiating. We’d love to create some more belonging together!

Article by Simon Druery

Simon Druery is Director and Brand Strategist at Belong Creative. What gets him jumping out of bed each day is helping business owners and marketers craft brands that people want to belong to. When he’s not working you can find him travelling Australia in the family caravan and enjoying a tawny port by the fire.